Kylie Trout

Singing since she was just a toddler, Kylie has auditioned for both The Voice and American Idol. She grew up on country music due to her living with her grandparents. Kylie yearns to make music that’s real to her and something other people can relate to on a personal level.

Courtesy of Kylie Trout

 Kylie graciously sat down for an interview with us and told us about her upcoming song that’s being released this Friday, how big of a Carrie Underwood fan she is, and her relationship with Country Music.

Can you tell us a little about yourself and your background with music?

“I am sixteen and going into my Junior year of Highschool. I listened to music all my life and grew up with country music because my grandparents raised me. My mom was abusive, and she left when I was four years old. My dad was a single parent, so he was trying to go to work and get money for me. Music was really my saving grace when I was little because it reminded me that I’m not alone and other people are going through hardships as well.”


Can you tell us about your most recent song, “Wish It Was Me,” and the writing process?


“Yeah so basically it’s about this boy that I had biggest crush on,” she laughs, “For like years but he was with another girl and she was super rude and not a good girlfriend. Me and him were also like best friends. The whole thing was just really hard, so I wrote this song.”


You have a new single coming out on June 28th, can you tell us a little about that? 


“It’s called, ‘Can’t Remember Growing Up,’ It’s about my mom. It’s just about how I felt, pretty much how it was growing up without a mom. I haven’t really had any contact with her, since she hasn’t tried to call me or talk to me. It’s my way of reaching out to her and saying, ‘you really hurt me a lot.’ I really want to help other people. Personally, I know so many people with a one parent and it’s not easy. I just really want to help people with this song.”


Who would be your dream person to go on tour with?


“Carrie Underwood has been my idol since I was little, since she was on American Idol. Ever since I could talk, I was like, “Jesus Take the Wheel,” I used to belt that song. She’s always real.” 


Have you seen her in concert? 

“No, I wish!”


Where do you usually go to write? Do you have a writing space in your house or where do you find the best inspiration to write?

“Either my room, I have these colored lights in my lamp, and it gives off this vibe or I go into my garage because it’s super peaceful.”


What’s currently your favorite song to listen to right now?

“That’s always the hardest question to answer. I love Luke Combs, so honestly any song by Luke Combs is up there.”




For you, when writing, what takes place first – the melody or the lyrics?

 “It honestly all just depends. I’ll be like washing my hair or something and I’ll hum something to myself and it will sound really cool,  I need to put words to it or it will be the opposite and I write down quotes or something and I put a melody to it.”


Do you have advice for anyone who wants to be an artist?

 “The industry is really hard to get into. But if this is your passion just keep pushing and don’t stop no matter what anyone says. There are always going to be people that try and bring you down, but you can’t let them put you down.” 


If you could be on any singer or bands album as a feature who would you want it to be?

 “Doing a song with Dan + Shay or Florida Georgia Line would be so cool. They seem like they are so fun!”


Do you have a favorite Dan + Shay song?

 “Well yesterday they just posted it’s finally the summer of 19 you + me, and that was the very first song where I was like oh my gosh I love them! I love all their songs.”


What has country music taught you as a person?

 “Unlike a lot of other genres, I feel like county music just has a story behind everything. I was just listening to a song called WD-40 by Muscadine Bloodline and you can literally take a song about WD 40 and duct tape and make it meaningful.” Kylie jokes, “I just think it’s so cool!”