The name RaeLynn has quickly become one of the most known names in country music. Since her time on season 2 of NBC’s The Voice, the songstress has amassed one billion streams throughout her discography, 2.5 million followers across social media platforms, and a number-one Billboard record.
I sat down with the Texas native to discuss her most recent releases, her life as a mom on the road, and her upcoming tour.
BC: What can you tell me about the creative process of your most recent single, ‘Raisin’ Me A Country Girl’?
RaeLynn: “When I wrote Raisin’ Me A Country Girl I was eight months pregnant. I was thinking about how I was raised - a girl in a sundress playing in a sandbox. I was a tomboy but, I also loved girly things. I was also thinking about my family's values and things that were important that were instilled in me from a very young age. I started writing down all the little details of my childhood and praying the same thing for my daughter. The way that I grew up was an amazing way to grow up. If anything I just want to raise me a country girl. When I went into the studio with Bill Bundy and Rhett Akins, and I told them the idea and they were all about it. It was so sweet because that was the last song I wrote before giving birth to Daisy and I think God did that on purpose. It was the song I was supposed to write before having her.”
Courtesy of RaeLynn
BC: Because Daisy inspired this song, have you been writing more songs for her or about her?
RaeLynn: “I think when you’re a songwriter, anything that is happening in your life at the moment you are going to write about. One thing that has impacted my life in the last year and a half is my daughter and the life changes that come with that; confidence, insecurities, all those things. I think the biggest thing looking forward to in this new record that I’m creating right now is there is such confidence in my project with where I am right now in my life in my career that I’ve never heard before. I’m really excited for the fans to hear it. I’ve really taken a back seat, asking God, ‘what do you want from me? Where do you have me on this path?’ I’ve felt like I’ve honed in on what that is and that’s to sing country music but to be a mom and be an example.” RaeLynn shares. “But, if you know me, you know I love to have fun, have a good time, and get rowdy. There’s a sense of not losing myself since becoming a mom that I think is important. When you become a mom, people think you become more serious, but I’ve probably become more silly. I’m just trying to figure out the balance between being a mom and being the CEO of my own company as well.”
BC: Why was your song, ‘She Chose Me’ important to put on your most recent album ‘Baytown’?
RaeLynn: “Baytown is the name of the town I grew up in. The imprint of who I am, the backbone of the person I am is based on Baytown, Texas. I could not have imagined having She Chose Me on another project. The song is my story of how I entered this world. My favorite thing about country music and songwriting is that an artist can be so honest in what they’ve been through and put it to a song and tell their story.” RaeLynn tells me, “This song is a real story to my mom and me. I would not be here if she did not choose life. I think it’s important as an artist that once we feel like we can’t tell our story it’s a problem. It's important to keep writing those hard songs. A person could hear that song, find strength in it, and tell their own story that needs to be heard. As an artist, it’s super important to stretch yourself and continue growing as a songwriter. This was a growing period for me because I didn’t know if I wanted to put it on my project because I didn’t know if it was too heavy. Some of the songs Johnny Cash wrote and released were some of the heaviest songs (alongside) Loretta Lynn and Dolly Parton. Not every experience we are going to go through as human beings are happy and light and fun. Life is hard, life is heavy. That’s when I said 'I’m going to put it on this album.' If it only touches one person, that’s okay with me. This song has completely taken a life of its own. To see over five hundred thousand videos on TikTok and reels of women telling their stories shows me that this song was meant to be on the record.”
BC: Speaking of that, the song has been largely proclaimed a pro-life anthem, how does that impact you?
RaeLynn: “When anybody takes your song and makes it their anthem song, you feel honored. It's amazing somebody can connect with it. For She Chose Me to take that life it's an honor. In my mom's story, she did choose life and if she didn't choose life I wouldn't be here today. That's the thing we don't want to talk about, is the life behind that choice. I understand that peoples' choices are different - that's why I wrote the song the way that I did, I didn't want the song to come off judgemental. It's important to know the realness of that choice and behind that choice is life or death. For me, it was life. I cherish the fact that my mom chose what she did.”
BC: What is life like on the road with Daisy and how has it changed?
RaeLynn: “It’s so fun and interesting! Before Daisy came I would wake up around eleven, relax and get a workout in. Now, we have early morning wake-ups, make her a bottle, watch cartoons, and get breakfast. I do have help on the road which is great. I don’t work out anymore because I’m just following around a crazy little munchkin.” RaeLynn says. “Honestly, I think the biggest thing that I’m excited my daughter gets to see is seeing her mom and dad live out their dreams of being parents. The biggest lie that I’ve ever believed in my life is a child would slow down my career or creative process, or not be beautiful, not be funny. It’s such a lie, if anything children make your life better. Yes, it’s harder, you have to bring me more stuff, and you have to be prepared, you have to learn to problem solve in a different way and do time management differently. That’s not what it’s about though. If anything, being a mom has made me a better person. I have more compassion for certain situations. I love the fact that my daughter gets to see me on stage living out what God has called me to do. I hope when she has children, she will do the same.”
Courtesy of RaeLynn
BC: People are always talking about the image of country music and knocking down artists who don’t necessarily fit the traditional country music mold, what are your views on that?
RaeLynn: “I believe we're all supposed to be different artists. As someone who has created a lot of different projects you can never put a creator in a box of 'this is what you are supposed to create every single time'. That's not fun, and that's not what creating is about. One thing I believe should always stay in country music and I don't care what the production sounds like are the stories. It really has stayed that way. Every artist has their different flare but the one common thread is the storytelling and we can't lose that. You see artists that are really focused on songwriting and being precious about the character of the song - those are the artists that rise to the top. I don't think you can ever limit an artist to sounding a certain way, that's not what music is about.”
BC: How would you say the country music genre is different from other genres?
RaeLynn: “Country Music is a family, we might all still have our differences but I genuinely love the heart of Nashville. I moved here ten years ago and I've been signed to a few different labels and have had different teams but I can call on any of my past relationships if I need anything and they'll help me out. That's where I feel like country music is so different because the aspect of helping each other and helping the next person in line is always there. If you aren't that way, you get weeded out really quickly. This is a town that wants to help each other and see everybody win. I'm that way. When somebody has success, it's success for our whole genre. When somebody is crossing genre borders - what a blessing to all of us.” RaeLynn continues. “I think a lot of artists of different genres are gravitating towards country music because of the songwriting and family aspect. We’ve seen a lot of pop artists come through Nashville because they want to have those things in their music.”
BC: Your dream is to be an artist which you have successfully achieved. Back when you were on The Voice, did you think you would be where you are now?
RaeLynn: “I want to say I did because I always have faith in myself and that God would make it happen. But, looking back, seeing the age that I was (on The Voice) I thank God for every minute and moment of it. I was and still am a very lucky person to be able to start my career very young. I think about what my next ten years will look like and that excites me.”
BC: You have been teasing new music, what can you tell me about that?
RaeLynn: “We have a really cool song coming out with an organization called Operation Underground Railroad. They are an anti-human trafficking company. They go in and save women and young girls from human trafficking. My song is called, It’s Happening Right Here. It’s the theme song for a new documentary that will help young people realize that sex trafficking is not just happening overseas. It’s happening all around us - Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest.” RaeLynn says. “The best way it was described to me is the whole human trafficking organization is a multi-billion dollar organization and Walmart is another multi-billion dollar organization and there’s a Walmart on every corner. That goes to show you human trafficking is happening in the United States of America and it’s important to equip our young women and young men with how to see the signs and how to know when you’re being manipulated. That’s what this documentary is about and bringing awareness to. I feel so honored that they picked me to sing this song. As an artist, I feel that it’s important to be passionate about what we’re passionate about.”
Courtesy of RaeLynn
BC: Are you hoping to get out on the road soon for a headlining tour?
RaeLynn: “Yes! Hopefully, it will be happening this fall. I’m trying to decide where I wanna start, and where I wanna go. I have not done a headlining tour in forever so I’m really excited to figure out what that is going to look like.” RaeLynn shares. “This is the year that I told myself I’m betting on myself and betting on my fans.”
BC: Lastly, if you could say one thing to the whole world and the whole world would listen, what would you say?
RaeLynn: “You are loved and always be bold in whatever field you work in and whatever you do. Those are the two things nobody can ever take away from you. The fact that Jesus loves you more than anything. You are always loved no matter what your circumstance is and never apologize for what you are created to be. To me, that’s being bold in this time of influence.
You can follow RaeLynn on her socials below so you’ll be the first to know when she releases new music and tour dates. You can stream Baytown HERE.