Christian Parker

Christian Parker creates timeless music that will grab the attention of both traditional country fans and modern day country fans. Parker started playing music at a young age so it was only a matter of time until he picked up a guitar and made a career out of what he loves to do. Not only is Parker a country artist but he has triple majored in Economics, Public Policy and Political Science at Southern Methodist University.

Courtesy of Christian Parker

BC: You were introduced to music at such a young age but what made you want to pursue music as a full time career?

CP: “I suppose I can trace it all back to my car seat singing along to my parent’s CD of the Bee Gees Greatest Hits.” Parker says, “I’ve played in bands since Junior High, but truthfully I hadn’t considered playing music as a full career until about a year ago. It was always driven into my head that I needed a “backup” plan in case the “dream” career failed. I don’t necessarily view that way of thinking as bad. In fact, I think it’s a fairly smart way of navigating a business in which the outcomes are so uncertain and unknown.”


BC: What can you share about your debut single, “Shotgun”?
CP: Shotgun is a high energy country-rock song that details the mindset of a young artist striving to achieve their dreams by giving it their all. It’s a universal expression of a commonly held goal of making the most out of all that life can give you.”


BC: What is your favorite lyric?
CP:If I only get one life, there’s no stopping at a red light.” This lyrical metaphor describes the general sentiment of the song, and it’s the line that means the most to me.”

BC: What do you want listeners to take away from this song?
CP: “I want listeners to be excited and ready to take on the day after they listen to this song. I truly hope they just enjoy the song as much as I enjoyed getting to record it.”

BC: Who are musical inspirations of yours?

CP: “I was raised on classic rock, however I have distinct memories of listening to country on my family’s ranch. Sincerely, I regarded myself as a classic rock guy up until I moved to Texas for college. While at SMU I befriended several native Texans who introduced me to a wide range of country artists, many of whom I had been ignorant of up until then.” Parker confesses. “From that moment on, I began listening to all the country music I could find! (Shoutout to Ken Burns for his excellent documentary on the history of Country Music!) With all this in mind, I find myself drawn to the music of Hank Jr., Waylon Jennings, Johnny Cash, Glen Campbell, Toby Keith, Granger Smith, Jason Aldean, Blake Shelton, as well as a whole host of other artists for whom it would take too long to list!”

BC: What is the importance of country music in your life?
CP: “Country music simply put is the artful expression of a unique American culture. Growing up in Arkansas, we blend many elements of the Southeast and Texas. There’s a little bit of Ozark Mountain in me, Deep South delta blues, and certainly a little Texan attitude after going to college in Dallas. Therefore, I find country music to be a combination of all these (and more!) unique cultures and experiences united by a love of our land, faith and history. It’s something that penetrates your bones and makes you just want to put on a cowboy hat and boots and kick up some dirt with your friends.”


BC: Did you ever think you would be where you are now?
CP: “Releasing Shotgun has been an absolute whirlwind, one which I couldn’t have foreseen. Firstly, to have been able to work with a producer like Sal Oliveri, a man who has the privilege of working with just about anyone he wants to in Nashville was a distinct honor and delight. I couldn’t have imagined in my wildest dreams that the songs would have come out as well as they did. The credit for that rests wholly on the shoulders of the fantastic musicians, mixers, and producer who brought these tracks to life. The social media response has been incredible as well. The team I have around me is making that all happen, because I’m certainly no expert at social media! In short, I am amazed at where I’m at right now, and it’s only just the beginning!

BC: What would you say is a big dream you are reaching towards right now?
CP: “First, I’d like to restate that I cannot believe that Shotgun is getting the immense amount of positive feedback that it is now, certainly for a completely unknown artist with their first release. With that in mind, I believe having a song chart would be the most incredible dream come true I could foresee. Certainly having a #1 song would be incredible, but just having a song chart would fill me with joy.


BC: You are an award winning public speaker, has that helped you in your music career/music industry?
CP: “I would say undoubtedly that the ability to think on your feet and give speeches has helped me in not only my music career but also in life. There are countless situations we find ourselves in everyday wherein it is an absolute necessity to speak with confidence so as to advocate for yourself. I don’t care if this is a negotiation, a performance, or even lunch with a group of your friends, being able to articulate your thoughts with conviction is a prerequisite for general success in life.”

BC: Do you think entertaining a crowd, or putting on a show aside from the musical aspect is an important part of being an artist?

CP: “I do not believe being an entertainer is necessary to be a good artist. There are tons of talented artists capable of creating art the likes of which would blow your mind, but aren’t great entertainers. However, I do believe being an entertainer is necessary for popular success. When I go to a concert, I certainly enjoy shows where I can feed off the energy of the performer. The performer can feel the energy of the crowd as well, and when they get synched up it creates a feedback loop of excitement whose end result is an elevated and more enjoyable experience for both the fan and the artist.


BC: What is next to come from you?

CP: “Stay tuned, because some more singles that are going to absolutely blow you away and showcase the variety and depth of the upcoming album, Debutante, are dropping in just a few weeks!”

BC: Lastly, if you could say anything and the whole world would listen, what would you say?

CP: “I would say simply, our differences need not divide us. I earnestly believe that people want many of the same things for each other. To live and conduct their lives in peace and with the opportunity for prosperity. If we could recognize that the things that divide us are so much smaller than the things that unite us, then perhaps we could live happily together once more.”