Kendall Renee is a Singer/Songwriter residing in Southern California. Growing up around her grandmother, a concert pianist, and her Grandfather, a gospel opera singer she was very much influenced from a young age.
We sat down to talk with Kendall about music, musical inspirations and what’s to come!
BC: When did you know you wanted to be a musician full time?
KR: “I started writing songs as early as six years old (I believe they were about goblins... nothing I would put on a record, that’s for sure!). I didn’t get very serious about music though until I was thirteen and saved up for my first guitar. Once that guitar came home, everything changed. I would spend hours in my room making my fingers bleed and I just never stopped.”
BC: It wasn’t just all music for you though, You were a competitive US figure skater, what made you want to buy a guitar?
KR: “Music was always my first love. Where I scored all of my points in figure skating, was music interpretation. I always wanted to learn to play but because of my busy training schedule I was very focused on my sport. I just couldn’t wait anymore, my love for music was killing me inside and I had to get one. I believe a part of me always knew music is where I would end up.”
BC: With your music always being around you from one early age, who were your musical inspirations?
KR: “Such a hard question because there are SO many. But I will say that my musical obsession stems way back to those who came before me. I believe in order to figure out who you are as an artist, you truly have to listen to a little bit of everything, as well as study those who paved the way for artists like yourself. You have to know the history. Bruce Springsteen is one of my favorites, as his ability to tell such a vivid story with his songs always mesmerized me, and still does to this day. He truly can take his listeners to another place, I think that is so incredible. I’m also a huge fan of the country queens & kings that came before me, like Dolly Parton and Johnny Cash. It’s more than just about their songs, but their stories and their journeys. It’s truly inspiring where their music took them and because of their mark on music/the world, where my music might take me. All I can do is pray I follow in such tremendous footsteps. The artist of this era that has impacted me the most, and honestly all along my journey is Taylor Swift. Truthfully, I’m not sure there is a more gifted songwriter. She is an absolute hit machine, but also a tremendous human being. If I’m half the woman or artist she is, I’ll be happy.”
I believe in order to figure out who you are as an artist, you truly have to listen to a little bit of everything. - Kendall Renee.
BC: Who was the first artist you saw in concert? Has that inspired your stage presence?
KR: “Taylor Swift! I was thirteen, I actually got to meet her and her mom, Andrea that night too. It was the craziest night and one I will never forget because not only did I meet my biggest inspiration, but she was SO kind. The show was epic, the band was amazing, the songs were all those I knew by heart. I bought her first album when I was eleven years old and it CHANGED me. It truly awoke the artist in me in ways I’ll never understand. The way she says exactly what she means in a song so fearlessly marked me forever. She’s truly a legend in my eyes.”
BC: You were born Anaphylactic, has that had a toll on you being a musician?
KR: “While my medical condition in no way holds me back from achieving my dreams, I won’t lie and say that it’s always easy. It’s a struggle to physically keep up at times as well as mentally with the job. I also find it frustrating at times when I’m looked at as a “liability issue” due to my condition for different opportunities, or at times when people expect me to lead with my story instead of my music. I refuse to do that. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE and feel honored to share my story to help inspire others, but I’ll never allow it to be depicted in a negative or “sob story” way. I love to use the pain I’ve overcome as a testament for others with or without special needs, to see what happens when you don’t give up. You can truly do anything if you believe fearlessly in your purpose and work hard towards it.”
BC: Your new song, “Better Is Coming” just came out. What was the writing process for that song like?
KR: “The story behind this song means everything to me. The day I walked into the room to write “Better is Coming” with my co-writers Richard Harris & Warren Sellers, was actually the 17 year anniversary of the day I had the surgery that saved my life and gave me my feeding tube. It’s a day I celebrate every year, so we wrote the song in the perspective of myself now, talking to my younger self growing up in & out of the hospital. It’s all the things I would say to my younger self if I could go back and tell her, and also all my listeners, that it’s going to be okay.”
At the end of the day, that’s what it’s about for me. How can I tell my stories in a way that hits home. - Kendall Renee
BC: And along with the song is a music video. Tell us a little about that.
KR: “Making the music video for this song was the longest, hardest, most brutal journey and dream of mine to make a reality. I had the dream for many years to make a music video showcasing the stories of individuals with special needs, as well as sharing my own story in a way that would uplift and inspire. Thanks to my partnership with Aerie by American Eagle Outfitters as a Changemaker, all of this finally came to fruition this year. The video is FINALLY out and I am SO grateful for all of the lives it’s already touched. My goal is that with every view we can change the way individuals like myself with disabilities are seen, heard, celebrated, and inspired.”
BC: What is the most important thing to you, that fans take away from your music?
KR: “I hope that people take away that it’s okay to be different. I hope they feel seen, heard and loved from my music. I hope they can resonate and hear their own story in my songs. I hope they feel less alone!”
BC: What’s the biggest dream you have as an artist?
KR: “Honestly, to continue to get to do what I’m doing right now, just possibly on a growing scale. If I can continue to write music that impacts people’s lives, and helps others, that’s my purpose and I’ll be happy. If a few of my crazy pipe dreams get thrown in there every now & then like playing The Opry, Working with some of my inspirations in this business, being on a show like Ellen, or getting anywhere near a CMT, CMA, or Grammy Award, I won’t be mad about it though! Haha! In fact I’ll probably pass out. Those things seem so silly to even throw around right now, but hey, if you would have told me I would be where I’m at now, four years ago, I would have thought that was pretty silly too. We all start somewhere! Nothing is impossible!”
BC: What would you say to an inspiring musician/songwriter?
KR: “KNOW WHO YOU ARE. KNOW YOUR PURPOSE. KNOW YOUR WHY! As long as you know those things and remember them on the tough days (because I promise you this business has more tough days than not) you’re going to be more than okay! Just go back to why you started and hold onto that for dear life. That passion will never leave you, even on the days the work is overwhelming or the odds seem stacked. Anyone can do it, it isn’t impossible, you just have to truly LOVE it and know your why.”
BC: What can fans look forward to from you?
KR: “More music of course, more adventures to share, more songs, more videos! But most importantly, more of the mission, which is just to show the world, that there’s nothing wrong with original! I can hardly wait to go into what’s next in this story!