Kirstie Kraus

Singer Songwriter Kirstie Kraus brings a new unique sound to the country music genre. Kraus thrives on stage in front of her fans singing her authentic songs of true stories and love. Kraus not only sets herself as a country artist but her music is a mix of funk, blues and rock but whichever genre in which Kraus creates it in is sure to addict listeners and become the new favorite amongst fans.

Courtesy of Kirstie Kraus

We sat down to chat with Kirstie to understand her musical roots, her musical inspirations and how she feels about the social media influence on artists.

BC: When were you first interested in music?

Kirstie: “I was interested in music way before I could remember. I have video footage proof of my young two year old self jumping up on picnic tables at family events and taking requests.”

BC: Who were your musical inspirations growing up?

Kirstie: “Who did you listen to growing up and who are your musical inspirations now? The first two female artists I fell in love with were Amy Grant and Gloria Estefan. Then when I was seven I started to fall in love with country music with LeAnn Rimes and cross over artist Shania Twain! My most current musical inspiration is Emily Weisband and basically all of the songs she writes. I also love CAM - big fan! Both these women have their own sound and push the envelope of their creativity!”

BC: Who was the first artist you saw in concert and did that leave an impression on you wanting to become an artist?

Kirstie: “YES of course! The first person I saw in concert was LeAnn Rimes. I remember my parents bought me a merch t-shirt and it went all the way down to my ankles! I was hooked by the runs and big voice she had it encouraged me to practice and learn every affliction LeAnn did.”

BC: How would you describe your music in three words?

Kirstie: “Inspirational, empowering and vulnerable.”


“The way you know you’re on the right path is if you open yourself up and the opportunities just fall into place. You’re doing what you want to do and you’re happy doing it. You just got to keep telling yourself you have everything you need and don’t listen to anybody who tells you differently because everything that you put out in the universe comes back.”

— Kirstie Krauss


BC: Can you tell us a little about your new song “Thirsty”?

Kirstie: “Thirsty is about the longing and craving for love and ultimately human connection and the fear that comes with it when you put yourself out there in a deep way. Thirsty is a song that is close to home for me and is autobiographical on my struggles being vulnerable.”

BC: What would you say is your favorite line from “Thirsty”?

Kirstie: “Right about now I put on my dancing shoes and I would dance right out of this room” This line is special to me because it illustrates what I have done in the past and how I want to stop that cycle and face my fear.”

BC: What is preforming like for you?

Kirstie: “Performing is incredible! Time is completely warped because you are so hyped. I feel in complete control and not in control at the same time - like time is going fast and also slow simultaneously. It truly feels like I enter into a place where everything is right in the world.”

BC: What do you think of all of the social media influence it has on artists of your generation?

Kirstie: “Social media has been a game changer in the fact that independent artists are able to share their art on various platforms like never before. I think all the different platforms that pop up really push artists to be creative and become really good at editing videos haha! Social media can take up a lot of time but at the same time it is a space where artists can connect with people that are miles away from them and get their music heard. That is truly something special.”

BC: What is one thing you dislike about the music industry and if you could, how would you change that?

Kirstie: Hmm this is tough I would have to say the amount of different social media platforms that artists today should be on is what I dislike about the music industry. I would change this by having all the social media platforms link together so that artists would use one system to post and it would  automatically upload to the rest of the apps!”

BC: And, lastly Kirstie, what can fans look forward to next from you?

Kirstie: More singles and a full album drop this year with that comes more videos, online features and more full band live shows as they are allowed!”